Dermovate Cream 0.05% 25 g Clobetasol Propionate GlaxoSmithKline

Dermovate Cream 0.05% 25 g Clobetasol Propionate GlaxoSmithKline

Ingredient: Clobetasol Propionate
Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline
Brand Name: Temovate
Category: Acne & Skin Care
Dermovate Cream 0.05% 25 g
Item price: $16.00

Data on the use of Dermovate Cream 0.05% 25 g in pregnant women is limited. Topical use of corticosteroids in pregnant animals can cause intrauterine growth disorders. The applicability of these data regarding humans has not been established. Pregnant women can use clobetasol only if the expected benefits to the mother are more at risk to the fetus. A minimum amount with a minimum duration of treatment should be used.

Breastfeeding The safety of clobetasol propionate during breastfeeding has not been established. It is not known whether the use of GCS can lead to such a systemic absorption, as a result of which a quantity of the drug will be detected in breast milk, is measurable. Use Dermovate Cream 0.05% 25 g during breastfeeding should only be in cases where the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the risk to the baby. When prescribed during breastfeeding, the cream should not be applied to the chest to avoid accidental ingestion of cream through the baby's mouth.

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No studies have been conducted to study this effect. Given the profile of adverse reactions, no effect on the reaction rate when driving or working with other mechanisms is expected. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION The cream is especially suitable for the treatment of moist and moist skin areas. The cream is gently applied with a thin layer, covering all affected areas of the skin, 1 or 2 times a day until an improvement in clinical manifestations appears (with a good response to treatment, improvement is achieved in a few days), then reduce the frequency of application or change the drug to a less powerful one.

After each application of the cream, wait a while until it is completely absorbed before applying the emollient. In the event of a worsening or lack of improvement in clinical manifestations within 2-4 weeks, the diagnosis and treatment should be reviewed. Repeated short courses of treatment with Dermovate Cream 0.05% 25 g can be used to control exacerbations. Treatment should not last more than 4 weeks. If continuous long-term treatment is necessary, less powerful drugs should be used. The maximum weekly dose should not exceed 50 g.

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In cases of more persistent lesions, especially with hyperkeratosis, the effect of Dermovate Cream 0.05% 25 g, if necessary, can be enhanced by covering the affected area of ​​the skin with an occlusive plastic bandage. Usually, to achieve a satisfactory result, applying an occlusal film overnight only is sufficient. The improvement achieved is usually supported by the application of a cream without the use of an occlusive dressing. When disease control is achieved, the use of clobetasol should be gradually discontinued, as well as the continued use of emollients as maintenance therapy.
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The return of symptoms of previous dermatoses is possible with the sudden cancellation of clobetasol. For topical use. Dermatoses are difficult to treat. Patients with frequent exacerbations of the disease. As soon as the effect of a continuous course of topical application of GCS was achieved in the acute period of the disease, its intermittent use should be considered (once a day, twice a week, without an occlusive dressing). It is shown that such treatment effectively reduces the frequency of exacerbations.

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You should continue to apply the drug to all previously affected areas of the skin or to known areas of potential exacerbation. This regimen should be combined with the continuous daily use of emollients. The clinical condition, as well as the benefits and risks of continuing treatment, should be regularly evaluated. CHILDREN The drug is contraindicated for the treatment of dermatoses, including dermatitis in children under 1 year old. OVERDOSAGE Symptoms. In normal use, Dermovate Cream 0.05% 25 g can be absorbed in amounts sufficient to cause a systemic effect.

The likelihood of an acute overdose is very small, but in the event of a chronic overdose or improper use, signs of hypercorticism may occur. Treatment. In case of an overdose of Dermovate Cream 0.05% 25 g should be gradually withdrawn by reducing the frequency of applying the cream or by replacing it with a less powerful GCS, taking into account the risk of GC deficiency. Further treatment should be carried out according to the clinical condition of the patient or according to national recommendations for the treatment of poisoning, if any.
